Film & TV
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Our relationship with the Film and TV industry is perhaps our biggest achievement. Beginning with the supply of one hire company to becoming a trusted supplier to the industry in the south east. Our reputation has spread by word of mouth. We have supplied to most of the major feature films made in this country over the past 10 years, we also supply to large TV productions. In fact if you are working as a gaffer, best boy, electrician or electrical buyer within the Film Industry you probably have heard of us.
To drop a few names we regularly deliver to Pinewood, Shepperton, Ealing and Leavesden Studios. We also supply to the BBC and many Independent TV Production Companies. We have supplied materials to productions such as James Bond Series, Star Wars, The DaVinci Code, Harry Potter, Batman, The F Word and Waking the Dead to name just a few. We also supply all of the major Lighting Hire Companies within the industry.
"The industry demands a very high level of service and we pride ourselves on achieving this."
- Mario Keilty
Kevin Allen